Banana is the largest produced and maximum consumed amongst the fruits cultivated in India. It is known as the ‘common man’s fruit’. It is highly nutritive and very delicious. India ranks first amongst the banana cultivating countries of the world with an annual production share of 25% of the total harvest. During the past two decades the large-scale cultivation of this fruit crop has undergone considerable changes. Banana is perhaps one of the major crops, which has accepted tissue culture as a mode of propagation especially in India. Shorter harvest times and enhanced yields have popularized the cultivation of this fruit crop with respect to the area of cultivation and production by tissue culture methods. Banana fruits are available in plenty in the Tropical countries like India, and a sizeable quantity of this fruit is wasted due to poor transportation and storage facilities. Banana when ripened is a soft and delicate fruit with a post-harvest shelf life of 5- 10 days. This makes it prone to injury during transport. Further, release of ethylene during bulk storage makes the fruit ripen faster and the fruits generally rot before reaching its destination. Hence, it has always being considered a ‘problem fruit’ with respect to transportation. These reasons contribute to a local market glut, resultant price crash and subsequent disinterest among the farming community to cultivate it on a large scale. It is hence important to overcome this problem by generating an increased demand of this fruit crop. Bananas are packed with many of the nutrients that your baby needs. Sometimes referred to as a power food, it's got the perfect combination of being rich in potassium but low in sodium, making it a heart-healthy fluid. Additionally, it has an abundance of vitamins, particularly Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and Vitamin B2. Filled with those healthy vitamins and nutrients, but low in cholesterol, saturated fat and sodium, you can feel confident offering it to your baby. Just a word of caution, though known for settling upset tummies and diarrhea, eating too many bananas may lead to constipation. Banana being a ‘common man’s fruit’ is consumed in following forms: Banana Powder, Banana Puree, Banana Juice concentrate etc. Uses Banana powder, because of its high concentration of banana essence, has been found to be a major source of carbohydrate and calories . The powder has also been found to be useful as a general treatment for dyspepsia. while it is in its green state, it contains starches which are resistant to digestion, but have been studied in combination with pectin to significantly reduce intestinal permeability and fluid loss in those suffering with bouts of diarrhoea Banana powder has been studied to prevent ulcer formation induced by a variety of drugs, including aspirin, indomethacin, phenylbutazone, prednisolone, cysteamine, and histamine. Banana peel has been found to suppress testosterone-induced prostate gland enlargement. A water extract of banana stem extract has been found to suppress the formation of oxalate-associated kidney stones in the animal model, leading researchers to conclude that it may be a useful agent in the treatment of patients with hyperoxaluric urolithiasis. UV-B light induced skin damage may be prevented or reduced through the consumption of bananas, with a protective effect against loss of skin elasticity. Banana root extracts have been discovered to contain blood sugar lowering properties Banana contains compounds with demonstrable anti-MRSA activity, anti-HIV replicative activity, and following metabolic transformation by fungi, anti-leishmanicidal activity. Market Survey Banana is an important fruit crop of many tropical and subtropical regions of India. It is cultivated in India in an area of 830.5 thousand hectare and total production is around 29,779.91 thousand tons. Main banana growing states are Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. The global production of banana is around 102028.17 thousand tons of which India contributes 29.19%. Besides India, other major banana producing countries are China, Philippines, Ecuador, Brazil and Indonesia. Banana Puree or Banana Pulp is processed from a selected variety of banana grown in the sub-tropical region of South India. The Cavendish banana puree (banana pulp) obtained from Indian bananas is considered best in quality owing to the superior size, flavor, taste and thickness of the Indian bananas. Banana Puree is widely mixed into daily food, juices, nectars, drinks, jams, bakery fillings, and fruit meals for children. Banana puree or banana pulp is used as flavor for baby foods, ice creams, yoghurts. Banana yoghurt makes a healthy snack and banana ice cream, milk shakes and delicious desserts are favorites among children. The demand of Banana Products in market is increasing rapidly due to nutritive and medicinal characteristics of it. India is one of the major country producing banana and its derivatives. Banana Derivatives includes: Puree, Ice-Creams, Fruit breads, cakes, tarts, muffins, pie-fillings, icings, donuts, fruit bars, milk shakes, yogurts, puddings, toppings, deserts, baby food, etc.